Learn How to Build this Realtime Blackboad app With Meteor Streams - Download Free eBook now!

How Streams Works

When we fire an event on the client, let’s see what’s actually happening behind the scene.

How Meteor Streams Works

  • Once a client emit an event first it will reach the checkpoint no 1.
  • It will make sure this event and the client can proceed
  • After event pass through the checkpoint it will go through a set of filters
  • Filters can add/modify and delete the content of the event
  • Then it goes through the next checkpoint to see which clients can receive this event
  • After it passed through the checkpoint 2, event will be delivered to the respective clients

You might wonder, although I have talked here about checkpoints, but I never used any checkpoints in the example. It is because of the insecure package. If insecure package exists, all the checkpoints are open by default or otherwise closed.

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